Thursday, May 10, 2007

Wait...He's Not Dead?

WTF...We've just come to after what we assume was a bad acid trip, and frankly we have no idea where we are, why we have the deed to a reptile farm in Topeka, KS, and how the hell we ended up on the board of directors of VFW Post 147 in Oklahoma City, OK. One can only assume that we went on a long road trip down to San Antone looking to console many a fair maiden after the Nugz destroyed the Spur Posse on their march to the aught seven NBA championship (yesss...six years in row - seriously, we should let someone else have a chance!!!).

Oh man...all this writing hurts our head. We'll be back when we can in the offseason, assuming we can avoid the Glasgow Diamond's fierce legal team in the coming weeks. Apparently, those wankers want their signing bonus back, which we believe to be the seven and a half sheep procreating in our living room, unless those were the midgets we won in Stillwater.

Pray for Mojo...

Monday, April 30, 2007

Pardon The Interruption...

We'll let our friends at YouTube explain the lack of recent posts. We're on our couch in the fetal position, pretty sure temporary insanity will set in during the next hour or so. Who brought the Xanax?

Game 4: Perfecting The Art Of The Flop

We're still too upset about Game 3 to really say anything meaningful. Instead, we're going to put in a few phone calls and try to score some of that acid that Walton had working for him last game. We'll still be here dropping an occasional comment or two, but we have a bad feeling that tonight will only feature more flopping, and that does not bode well for the Thuggets. case you were wondering, our belongings were surprisingly spared from any further damage over the weekend. For those scoring at home, the tally for the season remains at one cell phone (Melo's objection in Game 1 - we were merely "testing its durability"), one humidifier (early game against Dallas - don't ask), one Benny the Bull bobblehead (home game against the Bulls), and one lamp (errant sandal during last Sunday's game). We'll report on any more damage as the game progresses - there IS a chair we've grown to dislike in recent months.
  • 9:37: The game has yet to start, but the iPod has chosen Van Halen's Panama as our warm-up song. Perhaps things are looking up afterall.
  • 9:41: Charles...Boss Hogg called. He'd like his suit back before the next made-for-TV Dukes of Hazzard movie on ABC family (like you don't watch that channel too...they show 'Bring It On' like every weekend)
  • 9:47: Seriously, Denver. Put the coddamn Thunder Sticks away.
  • 9:49: Rocky...still bringing the funk after all these years. Steve Blake...not so much.
  • 9:51: Doug Collins, please. The Nuggets are a good defensive team?
  • 9:53: The "AIRRRRRBALLLLLLL" chant is highly overrated...May we suggest "FROGGGGG"
  • 9:58: Just because crackheads are funny
  • 10:03: Any bets on who takes out somebody's ankle first...Najera or Vaughn? BTW...Viva Najera (Does anyone know if he's available for Cinco de Mayo parties?)
  • 10:08 J.R. Smith, ugh...Isn't there an expansion draft or something coming up in the offseason?
  • 10:11: Chair is in serious jeopardy...
  • 10:13: The McD's exec chick totally got a nosejob before climbing the corproate ladder...wonder if it was covered by the healthcare plan.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Game 3: Open Thread

Alright, we admit it. As the clip above suggests, this was a BAD IDEA. Like us, we suspect that most of you were out putting up your own impressive combine stats throughout the day (7 Miller Lights and 2 Brats...Take that JaMarcus). Pretty much, the over / under on comments (other than ours) is 1, but we're here and modestly sober, in case anyone has anything interesting to contribute. the Donkies pick earlier today.

And fuck Chris Berman and his respect for the Mountain Time Zone...

Friday, April 27, 2007

It begins...

So here's the deal. Since we no longer reside in the Sunshine State known as Denver, it's a bit more difficult to keep up the witty banter with our local friends and family. This is no more apparent than during nationally-televised sporting events featuring our favorite teams - well, maybe not the Rockies, since ESPN denies they even exist anymore - when we're forced to spend countless hours sending text messages back and forth. Why just earlier this week, we found ourselves wanting to send a rather clever text message to our brother about the Spurs' Fabricio Oberto (it had something to do with beef me, it was quite funny at the time), Yet, we also found ourselves not wanting to drop another Roosevelt on the text message, figuring Mr. and Mrs. Verzion are probably doing alright without our charity. IDEA! Why not start a site devoted to live blogging the Nuggets games (its safe to say we're focusing on a farily narrow target audience here) and bring everyone together through the magic of the Interwebs. It's probably just the carpal tunnel talking here, but we figured this might - might - be an easier way to do it.

So welcome to Made From Corpses Of Denver Nuggets. We'll be here for as many of the Nuggets games as we can, so feel free to join in. We can totally see this site having the shortest life-span in blog history - kinda like the sports blog equivalent of the Chevy Chase show - especially if the Nugz don't make it out of Round 1. But who knows, maybe it will actually catch on and lead to biogger and better things. Hello advertising revenue...YES!

We'll be back here tomorrow to kick things off, but 'til then, have a great Friday night. We're outta here ourselves...our liver will file for file for separation if we don't get to the bar soon.